All mister bear candidates 2025 wearing a blue collar suit.

Mister Bear Belgium 2025


Johan candidate Mister Bear 2025

Johan – 35 -Tournai – Piercing training

Hello everyone!

My name is Johan, I’m a 35-year-old bear.
I live in the Tournai region.
I’m currently undergoing professional retraining, to carry out a project that’s close to my heart. I’m going to set up as a piercer with a store selling leather, latex and sportswear…
Because fetishism is part of my life.

I’m running for Mister Bear Belgium 2025, because I’m convinced that enhancing the value of our community is a positive thing and gives me the opportunity to take action to help people live together.
It’s incomprehensible to me that everyone can’t be who they are, with whom they want and where they want!

Each letter of the LGBTQIA+ has its importance and its right to exist in society!

Kevin candidate mister bear 2025

Kevin – 35 – Antwerp – Administrative assistant

Hi all,

I’m Kevin, 35 years old, and I live in beautiful Antwerp.

As an Administrative Assistant, I find my work challenging and fun, but in my free time I like to dive into my passions. I am a great lover of board games and role-playing games.

I also enjoy relaxing in the sauna and watching a good film at the cinema.

For some excitement and adventure, I like to do Escape Rooms and visit amusement parks.

I am participating in the Mr Bear Belgium election because the Bear Community has given me so much. The sense of belonging, the warmth, and a place where I can be completely myself mean a lot to me.

For my project, I want to focus on Mental Health. Many people find it difficult to talk about their feelings and, as a result, are often left without the necessary help.

I would like to let everyone know that it is totally okay to not feel okay sometimes. By talking openly about our feelings and difficult times, we can support and help each other.

Thank you all for the support and let’s make a positive change together!

Matthieu candidate mister bear 2025

Matthieu – 35 – Mouscron, Estaimpuis – Logistics

Oyé Oyé good people

On March 7, 1989, my mom gave birth to a wonderful little boy named Matthieu.

My passion is pastry, I love making it but especially eating it ahah.

It’s true that my extra kilos could be a hindrance but no, I assume them and as they say:

«I’m not fat, l’m expanding my caressing surface».

My cause is the fight against grossophobia.

Grossophobia is often accompanied by clichés.

Fat people are lazy, eat too much, aren’t brave. Well, I’d do anything to put an end to these clichés.

Thank you for reading, see you soon!

Maxime candidate Mister Bear 2025

Maxime – 48 – Lessinnes, Ath – Housekeeper


I’m Maxime, 48 years old from Lessines (Ath),

I like music, reading (Thrillers) sweets, and going out. I’m a household help in a creche.

Being a Bear doesn’t necessarily mean being a man with a hairy cuddly belly and a beard down to his knees, it means above all being ready to welcome others into your arms with Kindness.

I want to create meeting spaces accessible to the community, enabling people from all corners of the country and all Fetishes to have guts to get out of their homes and finally reconnect with the LGBTQIA+ community, to stop standing in the dark.

Help develop existing Social Meetings that are open to all.

Philémon candidate Mister Bear 2025

Philémon – 34 – Brugge – Press relations

Hi there!

I promise to keep it short so you can get back to s crolling on Instagram (like me).

I’m Philémon, a Frenchman who’s been living in Belgium for 8 years.

I work in Brussels and divide my time mainly between the capital and Bruges where I live, when I’m not out and about. I’m outgoing, living well and very social. Come and say hello if you see me, I don’t bite, that is unless you ask me to…

Working in press relations myself, I am in regular contact with the media.

If I’m elected Mister Bear Belgium 2025, I intend to use my title to promote LGBTQIA+ representation in the media and on social networks. Whether in sports, culture or even communications in general, we need voices to share our experiences.

I can use my knowledge to highlight people in our community to inspire and set an example.

As a lifelong bear, I’m all for body positivity! All bodies are beautiful, including yours, sexy. Let’s be proud of who we are. For these reasons, it would be an honour to represent the Belgian bear community as Mister Bear 2025.

Vote for me!